Anyway - tonight I found myself STILL thinking about that darn alarm clock! I just HAD to find a picture of it so I could accurately remember it. I can't admit how much time I spent with Google on this one (it takes awhile when you don't know the brand, not sure of the color...just that it was cool and cube-shaped. Do you KNOW how many alarm clocks were cube-shaped in the 80's?!
But my efforts were worth it....I found her! (and now I want her). Here she is...the super-duper cool P'Jammer! (how 80's is that name even?!)

I forgot she was multi-colored (see? cool!)..and I was right! a headphone jack right there on the front! LOVE! How can I get one?!
Go HERE to see her in action! (I totally need to get a life).
And now I'm going to join the "P'Jammers for Life" group on Facebook (think I'm making that one up? Go look! I dare you!)