Friday, March 30, 2007

The potty-chair saga continues... After spending 15 minutes in the potty-chair aisle at Target this morning, I finally decided on one. AND it was on sale. However, after bringing it home and taking it out of the is going back to the store. Here is what NOT to buy: Evenflo Magic Potty Trainer PLUS (see picture below). All of the pieces that can be removed fell off very easily, with no way to really secure them in place (floor grippers, the boy shield, the bio-degradable liners, the height adjustment ring). The magic part of the potty - the music and "atta-girl" sayings....didn't work! Of course I only discovered that after I hunted and hunted for the teeniest Phillip's screwdriver I could find so I could open the battery case and install 3 new batteries. No good! This is a dud...and not just because one element didn't work. So, back to the potty-chair drawing board we go. I had settled on the Bjorn potty...but when I got to the store - they didn't have it! I wonder if it is an online-only item?
Oh - and I also saw a Dora potty at the ALMOST got me...but after closer examination, it was cheap and little and didn't convert to the big-girl potty. Plus - do you REALLY think a little girl is going to "go" on Dora? No way! Maybe Swiper...but not Dora! =-)

2 comments: said...

I know you've left yourself open for all kinds of advice by even mentioning potty, but you're so on the right track. Don't go for all the bells and whistles - you don't even need a pee pot that convert into a step stool - gross. The one-piece Bjorn is going to get clean by simply by being swished under the bath faucet - you don't need any more headache.

I bought the 1-step (boo hoo) because the seat converted. Whatever. We ended up buying our son a SpongeBob big boy seat when he graduated, anyway.

We also spent a mint on Hot Wheels that we taped to the mirror as potty hostages. After days spent in the bathroom, crying, sweating and tears, Hot Wheels were the only thing that worked. They know what they're doing.

The Mom of 'em said...

Oh - I can't WAIT for bribery to work. When does that kick in? Thanks for the I wish someone sold Bjorn in the store...I can only get it online through Target...and really I just want to run and pick one up. (sigh).