Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I found the phone list...and called not only the next person up on the list - but the next one after that. I waited til 5:15 a.m. to call - lucky I did because they were unaware. (not a real organized process). I arrived at the airport at 6 a.m....to be told they wouldn't arrive til around 7. I had fun talking with other "punchy" parents who had also been up the majority of the night. She's home now - EXHAUSTED...and sleeping. She had a wonderful time - but said the 100+ temps out there really put a damper on the experience. More later.


the hortons said...

What a ding-dong to send Fred home. I suppose if the spark isn't there, it just isn't there, but he was the best guy in that house. Yes! Jeremy is a bit dead behind the eyes, but I have a feeling it's going to come down to him and Graham. Still, I'm usually always wrong, so it's almost a guarantee that one of them won't be in the finals...

Did you notice she gave Robert the Brad line last night? "I have to tell you good-bye." Couldn't she be a bit more original, like "You're a big baby who throws chairs during crappy barbecues AND because of that I have to tell you goodbye."

Tracy DeLuca said...

What a mess up all around. Glad you got her back home safe and sound!