Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tomorrow morning at this time I'll be prepping for surgery. I'll be about an hour or less away from meeting my son for the very first time. Wow. To say I can't wait is an understatement. I have no idea how I'm going to sleep tonight - I had a hard time last night - the excitement of it all is too much. (another reason spontaneous labor is better). =-) This morning my stomach is crampy. Yesterday I would have thought - hey - maybe this is the beginning of some light labor. Today - pretty sure it is just excited/nervous stomach going on.

Please pray for us. Pray that surgery goes well and that we deliver an absolutely perfectly healthy boy. Also pray for the families facing different outcomes. Earlier in the pregnancy we faced a scare. The "quad screen" test results showed a high risk for Trisomy 18...a genetic disorder that is almost always not survivable. After several visits to the perinatologists, we were told they could find NO evidence that our baby had this disorder.

The other day I was visiting a Mommy-business giveaway blog I often frequent. There was a prayer posted, with a link to another family's blog. This family just had a baby girl with Trisomy 18 and I began to read their story. It was a huge reminder of what could have been for us. I am so thankful that we were given good news after our level 2 ultrasounds. It was also a reminder to continue to pray for the health of our son, as well as families facing the unthinkable.

We can't wait to post his picture here soon along with all of the important baby details...including his name! I've set up an online guessing game here where you can (read: SHOULD) enter your guesses for date/time of birth, weight and length. I couldn't get a name guess in the same tool in the free version - so you can either enter your name guess (first and middle) in the field asking for how you know or area related to can enter a comment at the end of this post. Guess first and middle name (and any other details you'd like to predict for fun - like hair? who he'll look like? etc.) and leave your name and your email (you can set this up so it doesn't show to the public) so I know who wins! Special prize to the winner.
You should also guess the delivery never know...he COULD come before tomorrow, right? =-) Ok - now click HERE to play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Jodi, today is the big day. Since I am too late to guess on the site, as the baby guessing game is locked, I will guess here.

If the baby isn't named Mark ? Whitsitt Jr., he will definitely have Mark's first or middle name for his middle name.

I believe he will weigh 8 lbs 10 oz, and be born around 11:20am today.

Many prayers are with all of you.

Kiss his fuzzy head for me.
