Monday, April 28, 2008

Mark left this morning for Boston. He'll get home Thursday afternoon. This is the first time he's traveled in a loooong while. I have very high hopes of getting A LOT done this week while he's gone, but the reality is that it is just the same as any other week except I'll have NO help from 5:30 til bedtime. Soooo...that probably means I'll get LESS done...not more. Oh doesn't stop me from making my gigantic to-do list:

* Haircut/color (I really think hair places should be open on Mondays. If I owned one it WOULD be open on Mondays to steal business away from all of those places that are closed on Mondays). I haven't had a cut since Christmas-time. This is what is called "letting yourself go" by the way.

* Paint. This one makes me laugh while I'm typing it...but one can dream. I really want to paint the entryway to our home. I haven't really liked the color since I painted it three years ago.

* Organize. Again - laughing. I want to organize cupboards and drawers!

* Laundry. I want to get ALL of the laundry done! This is a doable goal I think...if I ignore the first three items on the list that is.

* Scrapbook. I put this on my list every stinkin' week...and every stinkin' week I don't get to do it. needs to know that I'm thinkin' of it...all of that beautiful paper and adhesive and piles of photos...they need to know that I still love them.

* Cook as little as possible. Totally doable. I'm stickin' to this one!

* Work. It must be least 10 hours this week.

* Rearrange Lauren's room. Maybe.

* Attend Bailey's track meet. It is really going to depend on the weather - but I just hate missing these things even if she says she doesn't care. I think every kid wants an audience, don't you?

* Clean master bedroom closet and sort through other items for garage sale (MUST!)

Ok - there's a lot more...but I know you're already laughing your heads off. I am too.

1 comment:

Tracy DeLuca said...

HA! You should see my list... it's ridiculous. And most days I am actually just happy to get my teeth brushed and dinner cooked! Good luck!