Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It has been four days since Sadie left for her most-likely new home near Iowa City. We aren't as sad as we were on Saturday, but the void is noticeable. From the new quiet calm of the kitchen where Sadie hung out most of the time, to the clean back yard, the furless tile flooring and the absence of dry food hitting the metal bowl in the mornings. We do miss her...but it is getting easier.

We have received a couple updates from her new owners (still a trial week though). They report that Sadie is adjusting well, showing her tricks, running and rolling around in the yard with their other dog, Shadow, and staying in the yard without a leash. It sounds like she is doing great and enjoying all of the attention she didn't get enough of here. Here are a few pics of her new digs/friends. (cue theme song from The Jefferson's - ha).

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